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Our team is very pleased to announce that the Department of Contracts has again awarded the tender for the supply of the Complete Trauma System on a Pay-Per-Use basis to Drugsales Ltd.
Four years ago, the orthopaedic surgery department engaged us to supply all of Mater Dei Hospital’s instruments and implants for trauma surgery.
This included the installation of a smart-cabinet dispensing system to ensure that, once the surgical intervention is complete, each specific orthopaedic kit is swiftly replenished, replacing all those implants which were used during the operation. The kit is then sent to the appropriate department for thorough cleaning and sterilization, in readiness for the next patient.
We are delighted that Drugsales has, once again, been entrusted with the critical responsibility of supplying and coordinating the entire orthopaedic trauma surgery system for the next four years, and we look forward to continue working closely with the team at Mater Dei, helping them to provide top-notch care for their patients.